
Economic Impact Reporting

Event Insights NZ

Event Insights NZ investigates and researches the economic impact and other benefits that events bring to the hosted city or region. Through surveying attendees, interviewing participates, organisers and the industries that benefit from the event; to evaluate its economic value and to give feedback from all involved. This reporting is a powerful tool for future funding and/or evidence for funding bodies.

“Enviro Insights helps us track our carbon emissions, saving us time and resources. This is a great step for Te Manawa and shows our commitment to minimising our footprint on the planet.”

Andy Lowe - CEO, Te Manawa Museum of Art, Science & Heritage


Environmental Impact Reporting

Enviro Insights NZ

It’s important for us all to take care of our environment. As organisations we need to always look at how we can lower our carbon emissions. Enviro Insights NZ investigate and report on what great things you are doing in lowering energy use, minimising what you send to the landfill, how you travel and your contribution to your community and environment, and much more. Measure your carbon emissions and then look at ways that you can sustainably continue to lower them.


Enviro & Event Insights NZ endeavors to be as accurate as possible in everything reported.