Evaluator and Director

Phil Hildred

Phil has over a decade’s involvement in the events industry, measuring the economic impact of major events including national multi-day events valued from $100K through to $5.2M. He also has experience in event and conference bidding, including successful proposals and negotiations, resulting in large business events and an international event.

His work in analysing figures and passion for the planet has led him into environmental reporting, measuring greenhouse gas emissions of organisations and assisting in ways to lower them in the future.

In his spare time, he can be found supporting his kids’ sports, on the hockey turf, playing golf (badly) or fly fishing a back country stream.


Visual Creative

Nick Kitchener

Nick is the Director of The Mac Daddy where he specialises in information design. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, working in the UK and now in NZ, he is an expert in his field. His creative flair and passion for the great outdoors led Nick to partner up with Enviro & Event Insights NZ.

When Nick is not at his desk being all creative you will find him on his mountain bike, supporting his children at their sports and activities, trying the latest craft beer, play golf (usually better than Phil) or grilling the perfect steak on his BBQ.